Implentasi Application of Good Faith Insurance

Implentasi Application of Good Faith Insurance

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Implentasi Application of Good Faith Insurance - Principle of Utmost Good Faith ( Principles Very Good Faith Insurance ) What is meant is that you have an obligation to clearly and carefully about all the important facts related to the objects that insurance.Because based on this information will be used to enforce the terms / provisions or clauses in the contract policy .

Implentasi Application of Good Faith Insurance

Best Faith Principle ( utmost good faith ) the principle that each insured is obliged to disclose accurate and complete information about all the important facts about the coverage of an object to be insured . This principle also applies to insurance companies , which are obliged to provide an explanation of the risks that are guaranteed or not guaranteed to be clear and complete and all the terms and conditions of coverage that

In principle, both parties must very good.Insurance faith will not reject a claim if the cause of the risk of not breaking the law , and it seems to have been written in any contract Insurance.noun policy : Do not hide the particulars required clear and correct each party .

Usually before insurance do / apply , it would do a survey for property insurance risk locations ( eg, whether the house near the river / cliff to the risk of flooding / landslides ) and medical check - ups for accident insurance / health .

Activities will also be asked , employment and others in connection with a risk profile that will be insured .Initial survey to determine the boundaries of the insurance protection .For example , someone who works as an employee who works in the office would be different conditions, warranties or amount of premiums to employees who worked as a marketing / salesman .

A Men and Women will also be able to distinguish the scope of the guarantee and the amount of premium ( Women and Men do not give birth )
One who smoke and do not smoke can also distinguish the scope of the guarantee and the amount of premium .

Implentasi Application of Good Faith Insurance,Insurance or coverage is an agreement between the insurer and the insured , where the insurer receives a premium , for reimbursement to the insured for any damage or loss of expected profit , which may be suffered due to an event that is not necessarily " . Hopefully Principle of Utmost Good Faith ( Principles faith Very Good ) can make us or those who want to be able on my insurance insurance what is needed and accountability
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